Wizard of Oz Bloopers: Here's a little compliation of some of the bloopers that appeared in the finished version of The Wizard of Oz in 1939. The video is very blurry, but the mistakes it points out are very interesting--most people (myself included) probably have never noticed these, but I am going to look for them on my DVD the next time I watch the movie. It's still one of my very favorites!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mary, did you know?

Mary, Did You Know
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered
Will soon deliver you
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand?
Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby
You've kissed the face of God
Mary, did you know?
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of the Lamb
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Did you know
That your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding
Is the Great I Am
When I first heard this song on the radio a few years ago, they were playing the version by Kenny Rogers from his album, "The Gift"-- the lyrics touched me so deeply, and my eyes still well up whenever I hear it. It's on my Playlist--you can scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on it--luckily, I found this on their website, as the album was out of print and I couldn't find a copy anywhere a few years ago. I don't know if that's changed or not, but I think the words in this song are very powerful, and although I've heard a few other performers sing them, somehow the version by Kenny Rogers (with Wynonna Judd) still has a profound effect on me.
Monday, December 22, 2008
TMTA - "Christmas"
Here is my little ATC entry for this week's TMTA challenge . . . I wish the glitter on the trees and the angel's wings showed up better--it's very pretty in person! Happy Holidays to you all!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
"Santa Claus"
"Santa Claus" is a curious little silent film I found on YouTube--it was made by a British filmmaker named G.A. Smith in 1898. Check out the British Film Institute here; they offer some interesting old clips to watch.
British Film Institute,
G.A. Smith,
Santa Claus,
silent films
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas Image Freebie and Questionnaire

I found this questionnaire on Denise's blog, Bless This Mess, and thought it would be fun to answer the questions:
She says, “Cut and paste and throw down the Christmas Gauntlet on your own blog space with your own answers, if you dare to share!!!!!”
1.'Tis the Season to be? Frazzled!
2. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper.
3. Real tree or Artificial? Usually real, but we do have an artificial one. A couple of years ago when I told my one of my sisters we'd bought a fake tree, she about had a heart attack! We've only used it twice. I love the smell of a real tree!
4. When do you put up the tree? Oh, pretty late--usually about a week before. I can't get it together before then!
5. When do you take the tree down? About a week after New Year's Day.
6. Do you like eggnog? I love it--especially heated with a little rum in it on a chilly night--yummy!
7. Favourite gift received as a child? Oh, my gosh--I remember this Christmas well--I went to parochial school for 12 years, and one year, 3rd grade, I think, I wanted a nun doll. I still have her!
8. Hardest person to buy for? My husband. He never wants anything!
9. Easiest person to buy for? My grandchildren.
10. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.
12. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Well, I don't really have a worst--I've always received nice gifts from family and friends . . . however, I do remember one year when I was young, we exchanged gifts with cousins for a few years, and one year my aunt gave me a dictionary for Christmas. I was incredibly disappointed, especially since she gave my sisters toys, but, as it turned out, I used that dictionary over and over for years and it became very important to me!
13. Favourite Christmas Movie? Heidi, with Shirley Temple
14. When do you start shopping for Christmas? About 2 weeks before—told you I was late!
15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No, never.
16. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Turkey or ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, the whole works!
17. Lights on the tree? Yes.
18. Favourite Christmas song? O Holy Night and White Christmas.
19. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Usually home, sometimes travel.
20. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes . . . Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen . . . and Rudolph!
21. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel.
22. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? When I was growing up, we opened gifts after church on Christmas Eve. Then we opened our Santa presents and stockings on Christmas morning. I carried on that tradition with my own children.
23. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? All the commercialism. I dislike it very much.
24. Favourite ornament theme or colour? I don’t have a favorite. I love it all!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? A visit from the grandchildren I don’t get to see so often.
Monday, December 15, 2008
TMTA - "Lamps"
This week the theme over at TMTA is lamps. I found this vintage picture in one of my files and noticed that, in the scene, Santa is carrying a lamp to light the way; I love the little angel leading him. I attached the picture to some Christmas scrapbook paper and added some glitter and stars and a little "warm wishes" stamp.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday Funnies-It's A Wonderful Life
Here's a happy ending to a wonderful old movie--this clip is long, so you can "fast forward" by moving the little button to the right, if you want . . . this is one of my very favorite movies in the whole world--I never get tired of seeing it. Happy Sunday!
(Pause my music at the bottom of the blog!)
(Pause my music at the bottom of the blog!)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ten on Tuesday - On Wednesday!

This week's list for Ten on Tuesday is "Favorite 10 Holiday Songs" and, as usual, I'm running behind due to other commitments. Here's my list . . .
1. Silent Night
2. Ave Maria
3. White Christmas
4. O Little Town of Bethlehem
5. The Chipmunk Song
6. Theme from A Charlie Brown Christmas
7. The First Noel
8. The Coventry Carol
9. Auld Lang Syne
10.Oh, Holy Night
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sunday Funnies - Christmas Vacation
Here's a funny clip from a CLASSIC! Thought I'd pick Christmas movies this month . . . pause my music at the bottom of this page before you watch it! Enjoy your Sunday!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Share the Wealth - Christmas Images
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Busy As A Bee!
(Click on my photo to see the bee up close! I took this in my backyard a couple of years ago when my lilacs were in full bloom!)
Sorry I've been so busy with trying to put our new house together the past 3 weeks, and having lots of family over the Thanksgiving Holiday, and teaching part time, that I haven't posted much. I'm trying to get a room in our house set up as a craft room, but haven't even finished emptying boxes in there, yet. I'm getting organized, though . . . busy, busy!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
During this Thanksgiving week, I've been thinking of so very many things I have to be thankful for. I haven't been able to blog or create much the past few weeks because of all this moving stuff, but I should be able to get going on some things next week. Meanwhile, here are 2 things I am grateful for right now, which have helped me stop and take a breath during a very hectic time for me: first, these lovely yellow daisies, which were here when we moved in; they brighten the days for me. Second, the little birds have found my feeder, finally, after it sat untouched for several days. I love the backyard birds and have always had feeders in my yard. I was so hoping they would discover the feeder, and yesterday, there were 15 birds out there at one point--they are so cute!

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday Funnies
Here's an odd little commercial for Alka Seltzer from the 1960s. See if you can tell whose voice this is! Answer at the bottom!
Go here to find out!
Go here to find out!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Still A Bit Under the Weather

This was me, recently! I think I've singlehandedly kept the Kleenex company in business over the past 2 weeks! I am still recovering from probably the worst cold I've ever had . . . I thought I had it made, healthwise, because I hadn't been sick in over 2 years! Unfortunately, colds always end up in my chest, and over my adult life, I've had more bronchitis needing antibiotics than I care to think about--FORTUNATELY, though, this time the bronchitis didn't get horribly bad and it was only the head cold part that was outrageous. I've been in the midst of unpacking what seems like billions of boxes for the past few days. I'm the kind of person who can't stand looking at a mess in my own house, so in spite of being sick, I've been working like crazy trying to get our new house in order. DH says to just STOP, but it's hard for me because I've always been so obsessive-compulsive about getting jobs done. I am so grateful to be finally feeling a little better, though--so very grateful!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sunday Funnies - Shirley Temple
The quality of the video isn't great, but this is such a cute scene-I used to LOVE watching Shirley Temple movies when I was a kid--still do! I remember when I received a Shirley Temple doll for a birthday present one year, I was just so thrilled. Here are Shirley, Joan Davis, Bert Lahr (remember him from last week's Sunday Funnies?) and Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, truly one of the best tap dancers who ever lived. Enjoy your Sunday . . .
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
TMTA - "Angels"

I'm late for TMTA, but I've been down with a terrible cold, and we're in the middle of moving into our new house, so it's been tough to get something made; here's my entry for this week's TMTA challenge, "Heavenly Creatures."
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Sunday Funnies - Bert Lahr
This is a little video showing why Bert Lahr was a good choice to be cast as the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz. Lahr was a comic actor who appeared in burlesque and vaudeville shows and performed in Broadway musicals before making his feature film debut in 1931's "Flying High" -- I just loved him in the Wizard of Oz when I was young -- you can read more about him here.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore--
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door--
Only this and nothing more." (From The Raven, by E.A. Poe
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cleaning Out My House

Well, I'm off to Idaho again today to finish packing and cleaning and to meet the movers . . . and to cry a little! We finally sold our house there and are also closing escrow on a new one where we live now. Saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new, my heart is full of memories and anticipation. (More on this when I come back.) For now, I will enjoy the fall colors there, think of all the wonderful times we had in Eagle, Idaho, and, most of all, cherish the few days I will have with my family up there. I can't wait to see and hold my little granddaughter Lily again and to hug my son, my mother, and my sister and nieces and nephew! See you all soon . . .
PS: This is not my house! It's the Psycho House at Universal Studios--I'm in the Halloween spirit!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday Funnies - Bewitched!
Just scroll down to the bottom of this page and pause my music . . . this is a cute clip from the old "Bewitched" series, with Elizabeth Montgomery.
Friday, October 24, 2008

TGIF has a Halloween Theme this week! I love it!!!!!!! Here's another ATC--they are so quick to make now, and although I wish I had more time to create other, larger art pieces, I am content with doing little cards until I get settled into our new house!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
"I Am a Lady"

Ha, ha! This is what I'd look like if I lived in the 1400s! I just took this quiz on HelloQuizzy, a website with lots of fun tests to take if you're looking for something to do and have all the time in the world to goof off, like I do! (For the record, I worked today and did laundry FIRST, of course, and now I'm just chomping at the bit to go and fix dinner, whoo hoo!) I found the website courtesy of Glenda from Many Fond Memories-this is what it said:
Your result for The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test ...
The Lady
You scored 21% Cardinal, 44% Monk, 56% Lady, and 49% Knight!
"Chaste and pure, you are a good person. You try to help others and do your duty to your family. However, this duty involves you being sold off to a local noble house in order to cement relations between your families. But you know it's for a greater good, and besides you will retain all the comforts and glamour of your position regardless of if you're your father's or you husband's property."
So there you have it. I'm a lady, but I'm chattel. Hope you all smiled at least once today!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"Think Pink" - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I created this little ATC a few days ago and have been so busy that I'm just now posting it--the subject for the week for Theme Thursday a few days ago was "Think Pink" and, boy, am I late with this! Sorry, Theme Thursday!
Monday, October 20, 2008
TMTA Monday - "Halloween"

This week, the theme for ATCs at Think Monday, Think ATC is HALLOWEEN, one of my very favorite days of the year! Patti over at Treasure Barn is hosting a Halloween ATC Swap, which I'm participating in, and so I will use these 2 cards for that, also! Isn't blogging fun?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday Funnies - Betty Boop Meets Dracula
In keeping with the idea of posting videos with a Halloween-related theme this month, here is a curious little piece, featuring Mae Questel and Bela Lugosi. I'm sure most of us have seen old "Dracula" movies, featuring Bela Lugosi, but usually, when we see Betty Boop, she's in "cartoon mode" and not live. Mae Questel was the actress who provided the voice for Betty in those cartoons, but it was a long time before I actually realized that, in real life, back in her early days, she not only sounded like Betty, she looked like Betty, too! She had a long career, in which she voiced not only Betty Boop, but Olive Oyl in the early Popeye shorts, Little Lulu, and other cartoon personalities. She appeared in "Funny Girl" with Barbara Streisand, and in National Lampoon's "Christmas Vacation"--for more on Mae, click here.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Crazy Amigo Challenge - "Halloween"

This is a Halloween greeting card I made last year--I just found it when I was cleaning out my art room at our house in Idaho. Since I recently arrived back in "Blogland" I thought I'd post this until I get some art made! Go and see all the other wonderful Halloween art on the Crazy Amigo website!
A Wonderful Giveaway from Vintage Trifles!

Martha over at Vintage Trifles is having a "100th post" Giveaway--she is very talented and has a wonderful blog, so stop on over to visit her, and see all the beautiful and whimsical artwork she creates!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Sunday Funnies - "Young Frankenstein"
I thought this one would be fun for the month of October . . . this clip is from Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein -- one of my husband's all-time favorite movies. The clip features Gene Wilder, Teri Garr, Madeline Kahn (who, sadly, passed away in 1999 of ovarian cancer), and the late Marty Feldman. Enjoy . . .
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"My Own Private Idaho'

My husband and I are at our home in Idaho for the week, so I won't be able to post much during this time--the weather is lovely; blue skies, cottony white clouds, clean air, and fall colors . . . in short, a wonderful respite from all the traffic and crowds and smog we've become accustomed to the past 8 months. We are enjoying visiting with our family here . . . hope you all have a terrific week!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday Funnies - Joan Davis & Jim Backus
"I Married Joan" was one of my favorite sitcoms back when I was young. I loved Joan Davis and thought she was very funny when I was a little girl. This clip from one of her shows is a little fuzzy, but really brought back memories for me when I watched it. Joan Davis was a comedienne who performed on stage and in the movies, and then became a TV star in the 1950s. Sadly, she died of a heart attack when she was only 53 years old. Tragically, her mother, daughter and grandchildren all died in a house fire two years after her death. You can read more about her here and here:
Friday, September 19, 2008
TGIF Challenge - Minimalist

This week, TGIF is using a "minimalist" theme, which includes ATCs, inchies, twinchies, etc. This is my first attempt at a twinchie--not too good, but I will get better. I have a lot of trouble using "Stickles" even though I love that glitter and like to use it--I just can't seem to get a thin line going with it. I know some people who just use it so beautifully in their artwork, but I haven't been able to get the hang of it yet. If anyone has any advice for me on using Stickles, it would be very much appreciated! The image I used in this little piece is from Paper Whimsy.
Monday, September 15, 2008
TMTA - "Handwriting"

This week's theme for Think Monday, Think ATC is HANDWRITING--something stamped or hand written--I don't have many rubber stamps with handwriting on them, and I don't trust my own handwriting on a piece of art, so I did this. The image is from Digital Collage Sheets. Hope everyone's having a good Monday!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Retro Cafe Art Giveaway!!!!!!

Kris Hubick of Retro Cafe Art is having another wonderful,fun giveaway here: Check out her wonderful blog!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sunday Funnies - Our Gang Silent Short
I'm not an advocate of spanking, but this is pretty cute, just watching these kids eat the cake:
Friday, September 12, 2008
TGIF - Anything Goes!

There is no specific theme for the TGIF challenge this week--it's open to whatever you'd like to do, so I made a little ATC. They are the easiest thing for me to do right now because I still have all my art supplies in boxes and have to drag everything out and work in a tiny space--that should change soon, though, because we are moving into an apartment while we wait (and wait, and WAIT) for our house in Idaho to sell! It will be so nice to have our own space again. Family has been so wonderful and generous to us, but there's nothing like having your own little private place to call home . . .
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ten on Tuesday - Favorite Movie Songs
Here's my list for this week's theme for Ten on Tuesday:
1. Lara’s Theme from Dr. Zhivago
2. General theme from James Bond
3. Harry Potter theme and music
4. Psycho soundtrack
5. All songs from The Sound of Music
6. Moon River from Breakfast at Tiffany’s
7. Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz
8. The Right Somebody to Love from Captain January
9. Theme from Indiana Jones
10.Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head from Butch Cassidy
1. Lara’s Theme from Dr. Zhivago
2. General theme from James Bond
3. Harry Potter theme and music
4. Psycho soundtrack
5. All songs from The Sound of Music
6. Moon River from Breakfast at Tiffany’s
7. Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz
8. The Right Somebody to Love from Captain January
9. Theme from Indiana Jones
10.Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head from Butch Cassidy
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sunday Funnies - Buster Keaton
Buster Keaton, nicknamed "The Great Stone Face" because of the always deadpan expression on his face, was a famous silent film comedian and director. He performed all of his own stunts, which were often very dangerous; he broke his neck during the filming of "Sherlock, Jr." and didn't even realize it until years later. He was amazingly innovative and talented. His story is very interesting; you can read more about him here:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
TMTA - Architecture

Well, I'm late again for Think Monday, Think ATC, but under the circumstances, I'm surprised and happy that I actually was able to get an ATC made this week! The theme is "architecture" and includes buildings, bridges and other structures, ruins, etc. I happened to have a little picture from Dover in my ephemera folder and thought it was an interesting painting of what looks like either apartment or office building rooftops.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yano--Ten on Tuesday

Here's the list for Ten on Tuesday and since I don't know if it means people living or deceased, I'll just put down who I'd like to meet from both sides of life!
10 People You'd Like to Meet:
1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Albert Einstein
3. Shirley Temple
4. Kate Di Camillo
5. C.S. Lewis
6. Elinor Lipman
7. Ellen Degeneres
8. Maya Angelou
9. Tom Brokaw
10. Above all, I'd love to meet Jesus Christ (not in the next life yet, though!) and visit with Him and ask Him questions!
Have a great Tuesday, everyone, and Happy September!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday Funnies
Silly old video of Laurel & Hardy; some of the expressions on Stan Laurel's face are precious--Ben Turpin, an old silent film comedian, plays the Justice of the Peace in this scene; his crossed eyes were a real condition, a result of an accident he had when he was a young man, and they became his trademark. I don't know how he could see that way, but I read that he was always afraid they'd become uncrossed, thus depriving him of his career. Interesting--I thought he did that on purpose when he acted and often wondered how he could keep his eyes crossed for so long when he was acting!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A Little Canvas Collage

I was going to submit this for the Layers of Color Challenge, but just couldn't get it posted, so I'll have to try for the new challenge sometime this week. I wanted to put a photo on here of what I did, anyway, because it was fun to work on and it's finished, so . . . it's been very hard to do any artwork lately because I have to do a lot of it on my lap-- there' just nowhere right now where I can spread out all of my art supplies. We still haven't sold our house in Boise and have been looking for apartments--we will probably move soon so that we can have our own place again. I was so fortunate to have some time recently being in my house again and it was lovely to have all that space and all my things surrounding me and my songbirds and hummingbirds eating at the feeders in the backyard again. I miss that, but my husband's job is here now, and so are 5 of our grandchildren, so this is where I am at this point in time. I'm applying for teaching jobs and should have something soon after being too lazy and depressed to work the past few months--I keep thinking of that little Mary Engelbreit saying, "Bloom Where You're Planted" and I have to live my life that way--if I could only just get my brain to catch up with where my body is residing!
TMTA - "Watches"

I'm late for this week's TMTA challenge, but we currently have to run up to a local coffee shop to access the Internet because ours is out right now at my stepdaugher's house. Anyway, the theme this week is "watches" and I had a stamp that fit the bill, so here is my little ATC. The image is from Lisa's Altered Art.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sunday Funnies
I used to watch "Fractured Flickers" when I was a kid, but didn't remember that Hans Conried did little interviews--wasn't Barbara Eden pretty? I loved her in "I Dream of Jeannie" and wanted to be her when I was young!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday on Friday!

Try clicking on this for a much closer look; I did start working on this last Wednesday, honest! The last Wednesday Stamper challenge was to make something using the theme of "keyholes" using at least one stamp. I took a 4x6 canvas panel and painted it with gesso, and when that was dry, painted it again with acrylic paint. I then glued a piece of scrapbook paper to the panel with Crafter's Pick Decoupage Gel and a brayer. I stamped cardstock with an old keyhole stamp from Wordsworth and glued it to the background with a glue stick (and brayer--I brayer everything I glue); next, I fashioned some butterfly wings for the image of the little girls (they are from Lisa's Altered Art), and embellished those with Stickles Platinum. I attached those with glue stick, and then used the glue stick to adhere the image to the background. Next, I stamped the key (Uptown Designs)on a piece of cardstock and embossed it with silver embossing powder, using a heat gun. I cut that out, and then glued it to the background. I added a few paper flowers, some paper ribbon, and little words that I'd printed on my computer. I used some Colorbox Cat's Eye ink pads to spiff up the edges of the canvas panel. Last, I punched holes in the top of the canvas panel with my Crocodile hole puncher and added some ribbon. So, there you have it. Wednesday on Friday!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
It's Thursday Already?????

Here are some gorgeous flowers (sorry the photos aren't the greatest) that my DH (Dear Heart, Darling Husband, you name it, that's him!) brought home for me last night after he went grocery shopping. How sweet is that? Until I get some art done and up on here, this little post will have to do. I can't believe it's Thursday--I haven't been able to post this week because I've just been so busy . . . I started working (finally!) on a little art piece for Wednesday Stamper last night but will have to finish it later because I'm off to north Lake Tahoe to spend the day with my mother, who is visiting my sister there. I'd like to thank all the lovely ladies who have left such kind comments on my blog lately on my pitifully scant posts--I appreciate this more than you'll ever know!
Sunday, August 17, 2008

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a note from Nancy Maxwell James of VINTAGE PAPERS several days ago--she gave me this award last week while I was on my trip! I thought that was so nice. Please check out her blog if you haven't already; her artwork is simply amazing! I love visiting her webpage because it is always a treat to see what she's created. It's so hard to choose only 5 people to pass this along to, as all the blogs I'm fond of visiting are fun and wonderful and the artists are all so talented, but here are some great gals I'd love to give this to (and these are the rules, by the way)--
1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award.
2. Four dedicated followers of your blog.
3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.
So, I thank you, wonderful ladies, for your inspiration and courage:
Friday, August 15, 2008
Lovely Lily

Here she is! We got back into town on Wednesday evening; it only took us about 8 1/2hours of driving time vs. the 10 total hours it took going over to Boise the previous Wednesday. My daughter and 3 of my grandchildren and I had a great time (once we got to my house in Eagle!) and I was so sad to have to leave. These are the first photos of little Lily in the hospital; I was so blessed to be part of this wondrous event, and I know my son appreciated having me there . . . he looked so cute in the scrubs he was dressed in when he came out to tell us that Lily was here and that the cesarean went well. I can't believe my youngest is so grown up now--it just seems like yesterday that he was a baby himself! Little Lily's mommy was a real trooper, and she's such a sweetheart . . . they went home only 2 days after the surgery! All three of them are doing fine; I miss them so much already!

Sunday, August 10, 2008
A New Bundle of Joy
So sorry I haven't been able to post much these past several days. I am back in Idaho after being home for only a week--my youngest son's first child was just born 3 days ago--his girlfriend had to have a cesarean because the baby was in the breech position; we thought she would be born later than this, but everything worked out, and mommy and baby are doing great. They named her Lily--so cute! I'm totally in love with her already! She is a sweetheart, and I'm so glad I was able to make it here for the special event. She, and they, mean so very much to me. I love them like crazy! I will post some photos when I get home to California. Talk to you all soon!
Monday, August 4, 2008
TMTA - "Turquoise"

Here's the theme for TMTA this week - TURQUOISE! Hop on over to TMTA to see all the ATCs that are featured on this cool website; there are so many wonderful artists who create these ATCs, and the cards are so much fun to look at!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Sunday Funnies
Here's a skit from the Jack Benny Show with Jack and Groucho Marx doing a take off on Groucho's show, "You Bet Your Life"--I was only 2 years old when this was filmed, but my parents always watched Jack Benny, along with many other comedy shows of the era. These were very famous comedians back then--a bit of history for you. . . Enjoy!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Lovely Blogger Award!

Wow--I just found out that Patti of Treasure Barn gave me this award--what a nice surprise! I am continually astounded at all the wonderful, kind, inspiring and talented artists I have met through blogging. What a wonderful community of caring people who are always willing to help out with suggestions, instructions, encouragement and just plain fun, too. Thank you, Patti--I am honored that you thought of me. And, as I believe I am to pass this along to 7 people I find inspiring, here are some lovely, very talented ladies with wonderful blogs I would love for you to visit!
Lydia of Beauty Will Surely Save the World
Deb of Vintage Moon Studio
Carol Anne of Carol Anne's Boutique
Myrna of More Than Heirlooms
Heather of Creative Solace
Glenda of Many Fond Memories
Sharon of My Vintage Studio
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Found Treasure
When I was in Idaho, I found this old photo on a shelf in one of my closets--this is a photo of my Dad's parents when they were dating. It was taken around 1924 or so, I think. Aren't they a cute couple? Click on the photo to get a close up view--I think this was taken in Colorado, in Estes Park, where one of my Grandma's brothers owned a lodge. Look at my Grandma's boots--I think those were hiking boots! They often would go on day trips with a bunch of family and friends and did a lot of "outdoorsy" things back then. My grandfather was a very sweet man and loved me very much, I am told. My parents both used to tell me that my Grandpa would proudly parade me around his neighborhood in my stroller every time my parents visited, and would be very upset if no one came out to tell him what a beautiful baby I was. (I was their first grandchild.) Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away at the young age of 57 of pancreatic cancer, when I was 4 years old. I have vague memories of him and haved wished many times during my life that I would have been able to know and love him a lot longer. My grandmother was the most wonderful grandmother a child could have. She was an absolute doll, and always so kind and loving to me and my sisters. She and I were very close. She died when I was 25, 30 years ago, but I still can see her in my mind as though it was yesterday, and I miss her terribly to this day.
Lawrence Keller,
Old Photos,
Thelka Hotz Keller
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