Mary Cassatt, American Painter (1844-1926)
This week's TMTA challenge is to honor women in art, whether it be a favorite woman artist, or a favorite portrait of a woman, etc. I chose Mary Cassatt because she is one of my favorites. Her paintings were done in the Impressionist manner, and so many of them are lovely, soft portraits of women and children. I placed a photo of Mary in the middle of my ATC, surrounded by a few of her paintings in the background. Mary was born and raised in America, but found more acceptance of her desire to study art and painting when she moved to France. Her story is interesting in that she painted during an era when it wasn't socially acceptable for women to have careers doing what she did, especially in America, and also, she was a member of the Impressionist group, which included Edgar Degas (whom she admired greatly), Cezanne, Monet, and Renoir, among others. She lost her eyesight in later life and was no longer able to do what she loved most. One of her famous quotes reads, "I am independent! I can live alone and I love to work." Many websites are devoted to her, and can be found easily by using Google.
Wow stunning ATC. Fabulous work. Love this.
Fabulous ATC...great collage!
Jann, I love your work. I keep thinking we ought to plan a day and work on ATC's together. I truly find this is very inspiring!!
I hope you have a lovely Day!
Jeannene at Love Conqures All told me about your blog. I love it and would like to put your link on my blog if you don't mind. I love ATC's.
Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful work I enjoyed looking through all of them!
fabulous atc!!! love your work!!
Very beautiful!
Oh my goodness, thanks for visiting my blog. I didn't expect that. I hope you do join us for another ATC swap someday. In the mean time I am going to visit and enjoy your blog often.
You have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by my blog.
Lovely ATC and nice to know the history behind the art.
Very beautiful
Oh ! great tribute and very beautiful collage !
Wonderful artwork Jann! She's one of my favorites as well. I've done pastel paintings as a result...which really makes my appreciation for her work rise to higher levels. I've enjoyed visiting you on your blog. See you again soon.
great great great!!!!
You are so sweeet to post about my (giveaway)how thoughtful your are, Thank you!! I think I am planning on doing something else with that photo button I picked of me as a baby, another fun event we all can do...(wait and see what I have up my sleeve)..lol!!
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