Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Hidden Danger - Warning for Parents

I grew up in Southern California, where my sisters and I learned to swim early and swam a lot when we were growing up. After raising kids who took swimming lessons and swam not only in pools, but in rivers and creeks, and often went waterskiing in lakes, (as we lived in the Pacific Northwest), I thought I knew all the rules of water safety. Not so, apparently. Tonight, on MSN, I just read about a little boy who died over an hour after getting out of a swimming pool and walking home with his mother--he died of "dry drowning." Such a tragedy! I had never, ever heard of this before, and, because there are warning signs and children can be saved if this is caught early enough, I think all parents, grandparents, and anyone else who cares for children, especially during the summer months, should be informed. If you're interested, you can read about it here--the news article lists the signs to be aware of. Since there are so many moms and grandmas writing the blogs I'm fond of visiting, I thought I'd try to get the word out.


The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Jann, this is awful! I didn't know anything about this, and never even heart of it. Thank you so much for this information. My heart so hurts for this family. xxoo, Dawn

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of this, and will check this article out now!! Thank you for sharing Jann!!

(I hope you are OK, I am sorry, I still must send you my info. for your lovely ATC you made me. I have been terribly busy..."sorry"
