I originally started this blog to sort of keep a running diary of events in my life, and/or comments on various things I love and am interested in because I'm not very good a record-keeping at home, etc. Well, it quickly evolved into an art blog and I don't post nearly enough of what is on my mind because I am always so busy and don't manage my free time very well--and then, I make a little art and just post that. At any rate, I am going to try and expand my blog posts a little from now on, if I can. I'm just writing this to vent a little, and no one will be interested, anyway--but it might help me work out some frustrations!
It's just been over a week ago that I and my 4 year-old granddaughter were mixing up batter for my grandson's 11th birthday cake, when my husband called me and told me he'd just lost his job. I was so shocked and distressed, I could hardly function for a few minutes. I couldn't cry, as I had little Gabby right there with me. My husband had been working for this company for 12 years, and had made a lot of money for them and given them so much of himself--he's such an honest and upright and hard-working man, and so loyal--and this was so unexpected. His boss cited the reasons for the "layoff" as being the economy and cut-backs--and my hubby's job as being "expendable" because he was paid more than a lot of the other employees. We think it was more than that, though. They didn't even give him a chance to accept a lower wage, and they only let one other person go out of all their hundreds of employees. Ever since accepting a position here in California with the same company he was working for in Idaho, his immediate boss down here seems to have felt threatened (jobwise) and has never been accepting of my hubby's being here. This guy has been cool, detached, uninterested in my husband's projects and work, and has, more than once, been sneaky and underhanded about promoting my husband's ideas and proposals in meetings as his own! My hubby's always received glowing job-performance reviews over the years, except for this past one, where his immediate boss just gave him an adequate review--nothing negative, but nothing complementary. I'm not trying to be a "sour grapes" kind of person, that's not my nature, but this guy really was gunning after my husband, and my husband is such a good guy! He was really hurt, and has had several sleepless nights as a result of this layoff. How can you not feel hurt when you've given so much of yourself? It's hard not to feel angry. After becoming employed at the age of 15, and now being almost 54, my husband has never, ever, been let go or fired from any job, and has never been out of work, so this was just devastating to both of us. Although I have always been sympathetic to the many, many people who are out of work and always have felt so bad when watching the news about that, I could sympathize, but never really "empathize" with this situation. Well, now I can. Of course, besides the anger and depression that quickly set in, my mind was racing-- What will we do? Will we lose our house, not have enough to eat, etc. And, of course, I prayed--I do have a strong faith, and that in itself gives one hope, even in the most desperate of situations. Which we were not in--I just have the kind of mind that races to the worst scenario! Well, gratefully, there's a happy ending to our story--when other people in the industry found out, they were really surprised, and another firm jumped right in a couple of days later and offered my husband a job with them! It will be quite a change, and the pay is somewhat less, but we are very, very glad and relieved, and thankful, and anxious to begin anew. And hopefully, this economy will turn around so that others who are out of work will find jobs and have brighter futures--I will continue to pray for them.
Oh Jann, I'm so sorry your family had to experience this! It seems there is no security anymore ~ Thank goodness for the new job opportunity too!!!! We certainly have to support one another through this awful economy ~ thank you so much for sharing your life with us, hugs and love, Dawn
Hello! I'm portuguese and I've been following your blogues for sometime. I red your story and I really thank God for the happy ending. Best regards,
I'm so glad to see a happy ending to your story. I know very well exactly how you felt, as I've been through it too. I had many people offer support to me, but nothing came through...so I'm really glad to know that things worked out in your case.
May He bless you and keep you,
Oooh, Jann, thank goodness for the happy ending! All the best for you and your family!
Oh Jann,
My heart goes out to you at this time and the finished result was a good one. Your husband is such a good worker that he was not unemployed for long and this is a blessing. I deal with this, most days in my life, one heart wrenching story after another. I am involved in the charity side of things and it is amazing trully amazing what is happening out there in the world. It is a hard world at the moment and one that is not very nice at times. You have stayed strong together and made it through and yes you will now see things differently. That man will get what is coming to him in due course, all you have to do is wait. Jellousy is a horrible thing, it can ruin lives as you have seen first hand yourself.
Chin up, vent some more and create it helps to heal the soul.
Oh my, I'm so glad God answered your prayers Jann!
Take Care - Robin
I am so sorry that this happened to your family, but thankful that hubby was able to gain other employment. Our world is so sad right now (I live in Michigan and hate watching the news) ...may this new career bring more blessings then his last...and may he be appreciated for the hard worker he is! :)
WOW Jann ~ that is a lot for you and your family to cope with. The old saying 'things happen for a reason' comes to mind (one must be very careful saying that to people) .... I sincerely hope that the new job works out and is even better than the last one in every way! Good things do happen to good people!
Brightest of Blessings to you and yours!
Jann, I'm so glad you stopped by my blog today, so I could find you...and, yes, grandchildren are awesome. Oh, my, I can relate to your story..you see, my hubby was also recently laid off. He, too, is one of the hardest working, loyal and dedicated men I've ever known! He was just found a new job also (he's 56), but it's not the same. We have faith that God will meet our needs watch over our family. Have a blessed day,
Jann, I am so glad the way things turned out since he lost his job.
My brother got , pardon my French, screwed out of his military retirement because of a very jealous CO who lied about my brother, and any indiscretion is frowned upon for a military officer, so he had to retire early, and lost everything. He was a star soldier and officer.
Love your new background and seasonal banner:) xo Lydia
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