Forgot to post this before Christmas, but I thought this was a cute photo--looks like Santa has added a new reindeer to his team this year--this is Kenzie--another precious grandchild in our ever-growing family! This little one is not yet 2 years old, but she can count, she knows ALL her colors (and has for months), she knows her shapes and can point out circles, squares, stars, hearts, triangles, etc., and she can play educational games on the computer and IPhone. (She doesn't watch TV yet, though.) She's currently learning her ABCs--she'll probably start college next week! Have a great Sunday, everyone!
She's so beautiful too Jann! What a precious reindeer ~ I hope your Christmas was just wonderful dear friend, hugs and love, Dawn
Awww Kenzie is a Doll!! She sounds pretty darn smart! Maybe she will be president one day!
What a darling little grandchild you have, and very smart one too :)
she is a little doll! looks like you had a Merry Christmas! I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year...and may 2010 be blessed with all good things! :)
Oh my goodness, how did I ever miss this post! Jann, your precious Kenzie is such an adorable little angel!! :)
Love, Carol Anne
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