I have so very much to be thankful for and I was going to find some photos of family and all to post today but got so busy with housework. My mom is arriving here tomorrow for a short visit, and then I will drive her to the mountains to my sister's, where we always have Thanksgiving. My middle sister has been hosting Thanksgiving for many years; she is a lovely, lovely person, and a gourmet cook who loves to celebrate this holiday at her home. My youngest sister always makes the trip with her hubby and family every year from Idaho, yet this year they will stay in Boise to celebrate, as my nephew is on the BSU football team, and they have a game the day after Thanksgiving! I just went outside and got my mail, and this beautiful magnet was waiting for me, along with the sweetest note from my youngest sister, who is another very, very lovely person--saying, "To my wonderful sister, Jann, I will miss you terribly on Thanksgiving! Love you lots." This touched my heart so much, and, well, needless to say, I have to wait until my eyes stop leaking before I can call her! Isn't that just the nicest thing? So, today, especially, at the beginning of Thanksgiving week, I am grateful for my two terrific sisters, who are just the absolute best sisters anyone could hope for!
Wonderful story, and what a cute photo of you and your sisters. I also miss my sisters at Thanksgiving, and every day of the year, as they both live over 900 miles away. This time of year I feel both thankful that I have a wonderful family, but also sad that they aren't closer to me, and that my Mother is no longer alive. But all in all I feel very blessed, and I am sure you do as well. Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, you three just look so darn cute in your red dresses. Aren't sisters the best?
Oh what a darling picture of you and your sisters!! The 3 of you are truly blessed to have each other!
Love you dear friend~Carol Anne
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