TMTA's theme this week is an interesting one. The team over there pointed out that, at times, it is difficult to incorporate males into ATCs. They proposed the theme of using men with beards and/or moustaches in our ATCs this week. I used a photocopy of an old cabinet card photo of my great grandfather, when he was a young man. I wonder what he would think if he saw this . . . would he feel amused--confused--abused? He was a wonderful grandpa--I clearly remember him, although he died when I was still in elementary school. (Gosh, that was a long time ago! How time passes . . . ) He was in his late 80s, had a full head of hair, and the hair on top of his head was still black! He was a very, very sweet man, and he used to go and get his wallet and give me and my sisters each a dollar every time we visited him and my great-grandma. The last time I saw him alive was bittersweet. It was a few years after my great-grandmother had passed away; he was very ill and in bed, but when my parents took us to visit him, he asked my uncle to go and get his wallet so he could give each of us girls a dollar. I will never forget that--it still brings tears to my eyes.