The theme for
Kris' Gothic Arch Challenge this week is to choose a favorite author or book. One of my favorite authors is
Daphne du Maurier--although I had heard her name, I never really knew who she was when I was young. I first discovered her writing many years ago when I purchased one of her novels,
Jamaica Inn, from an estate sale. The book sat in my bookshelf for quite awhile, as I was just collecting vintage books because I loved antiques, and not really reading them at the time. Well, when I finally read this book, I loved it so much, I went and got another one of her novels,
Rebecca, (which Hitchcock made into a movie in the 1940s), from the library--that one was wonderful, too. Until I was making my arch, I hadn't known that she also wrote "The Birds"--remember the old Alfred HItchcock movie? Because of this challenge, I know much more about Daphne now, and also am anxious to read some of her other novels.